Refund & Cancellation Policy

For service users
In light of present scenario, all cancellations, returns & refunds shall be taken up on a case to case basis.For further queries, please write to us at : [email protected]
For Service Professionals
All commissions payable to Kleaning Bee by Service Professionals on consummated transactions, i.e. exchange of services for consideration, are final and non-refundable.
All money paid by Service Professionals in form of “Credits” are non-interest bearing and shall be refunded to the Service Professionals if they remain un-utilised for a period greater than 364 days only. Such amounts shall not be refunded prior to that.
If poor customer service or inappropriate behaviour with customers results in the professional being de-listed from the Kleaning Bee Partner platform, then all credits (purchased or promotional) will have to forfeited, and there will be no refund made in such a case.

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